Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wisely Broken (sitting at my desk)

Heartbroken - but not
in love - well with old heart
broken - but fixing
not waiting - with well wondering
dying - but why
for the love that broke my heart to wait
for the love that broke my heart to come
for the love that broke my heart to live

But why – trained in submission
my heart – will learn to live
teach by led example
ordinary lessons learned this way
interesting it all comes back to one
for the love that broke my heart to breathe
for the love that broke my heart to deny
for the love that broke my heart to fly

And in the end – as all good books
said to me by one by all by me
take this time to submerge in the deep
of the heart of the mind of the broken
and of the new
find me please
I’ll be open
I’ll be better
I’ll be palms out, eyes bright, heart wise.

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