Saturday, May 9, 2009

shows and who knows?

And so we bring our 2009 annual Theatre League Conference to an end... let's recap shall we?

Shows seen:


Starring Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, James Gandolfini & Marcia Gay Harden (oh my god - brilliant. one of my favorite theatrical experiences ever!)


Constantine was out the night I was there - and I should have had at least one friend with me and at least 2 drinks IN me.

Starring Geoffrey Rush, Susan Sarrandon, Lauren Ambrose & Andrea Martin. I really enjoyed the performances. Mr. Rush's physical comedy was incredible. I was just so tired that night so 2.5 hours of Absurdist comedy was a little trying - not going to lie.

It was great seeing tons of your colleagues that you normally only get to speak to on the phone. And free food every once in awhile isn't to shabby either. And that was just Monday thru Thursday.
Friday - I was off to Orlando to open Jersey Boys at the Bob Carr PAC. I just love Florida. It is like California East (with a bit more humidity, oh and hurricane possibilities). It is always a delight to visit the road company too. Always fun reintroducing myself to everyone each time I go (because I go so infrequently). And apparently my hair changes so drastically that no one knows who I am. :) C'est la vie. I shall not stifle my folicle creativity for recognition!

After 5 hours of sleep - I was back up and out to NYC. Got to love me some JetBlue! There was a woman sitting next to me with a beautiful 3 month old baby who I got to hold for quite a bit of the flight as mama had to rearrange her stuff, pee, rearrange, buckle her belt, blah blah blah. Loved holding the baby though. It was a little too easy, she slepted the entire flight.

Spent the rest of the day in the city and busted out the camera a little bit. Here are a few shots from around town.

May in a nutshell so far.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Please stay hydrated

Hy hy hydrated. Hi!
I found out today that my dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. There are many reasons why but one to which I would like to dedicate this post: water. Put it in your BODY!

So many of us just don't drink enough water. Slowly these trendy aluminum bottles are popping up more often in the hands of NYC-ers. So hooray - people are starting to drink the stuff. And, yes, I do own my very own Siggy SIGG bottle. And the matching cleaning brush and fizzy tabs. But so many times, I still have to buy damn plastic bottles to refill it while I'm out and about.

Honestly, because I am a water freakazoid. If there is any little particle floating in my water, or it didn't come from a purified system, I won't drink it. Trust me, I can tell. Give me the "Pepsi challenge" of water - tap vs. bottled and I will tell you which is which every time.

I digress...

I can go throughout an entire day and not drink anything (well except for my daily cup o' joe). It's sad and scary since water is the most basic necessity besides air that we humans need.

My father had been replacing Gatorade as his water source for a long time. I replaced mine with soda for many years. Dr. Pepper to be exact. And I am slipping back towards my sugar-filled liquid calorie habit. But now, my dad's wake up call has served as one for me. I sit here with H2O in hand (chug) and son-of-a... I swear I just spilled it on my keyboard. Lord!

Million dollar idea... I would pop a quarter in the slot if there were "fill up your water bottles here" stations around town. Fiji? Poland Springs? Evian? Want to hire me to develop and market? I will be your biggest fan! I will "like" you on Facebook. A quarter a liter! FILL ME!

So drink your water, friends. Or I will come back as Little Orphan Annie's radio show host and change Ralphie's secret decoded message to something worst than "Ovaltine." BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR WATER. Yes - a crummy commercial. S.O.B.!

the first (of many?)

So I have now started a total of 3 websites/blogs with my name on them. Have I kept them up? nope. But I think it is high time that I commit to something fully in life. Maybe this is it? Nothing else seems to be sticking.

A little about moi: I'm a Cali girl that has stuck herself in Jersey/NYC for the past 7+ years. Have I converted? nope. Still a Cali girl. Please note the lack of fake boobs and blonde hair. They are real and the darker my hair is, the lighter my skin looks. Maybe it's a Snow White complex. Actually, a cashier at Lowe's in Mission Valley/San Diego asked me if I worked at Disneyland AS Snow White. I thought that was a pretty sweet compliment.

I work in the theater biz. I technically have all of my life when I first stepped on stage as a little dancing sailor in the dance routine "Bell Bottom Trousers" at the Prado in Balboa Park. Now, I've handled the press and marketing for some of my favorite (and I'm sure, yours too, heh) Broadway musicals. I've worked with an escaped convicted with a hefty tattoo on his chest, a recluse who likes music and has really bad skin problems, cowmen & farmers, beautiful people in Firenze, a delicate soul with sharp things on his fingers, a flower girl who wants to own a flower shop, and four dudes who came from the wrong side of the Jersey tracks.

More loves: bulldogs, spring, Hudson jeans, flip flops, the smell of rain on pavement, Beck, Moby, REM, Swiffer Dusters, Seventh Generation products, statues of Buddha, Peonies, the Pacific Ocean, my pillow, CYT, fauxhawks, tattoo arm sleeves (though I don't have one), Rock Band, hugs, sincerity, hearts on sleeves, gluten free food, asian female lit, the smell of euclyptus & lemon trees, mom's sugar cookies, Christmas time with the family & q-tips.

So here's to a real attempt to chronicle life, love, whatever tickles my fancy. We are just launching into the craziest week of the year - Theater League Conference week. Shows, meetings, bitching & moaning, alcohol, food, more shows, swag, more alcohol, Town Hall drama, alcohol, B'way star appearances, more alcohol and more alcohol. Please note that I don't drink more than a glass of wine at one sitting AND I have obstained from alcohol for about 2 months now.

On the show docket: God of Carnage, Rock of Ages, Exit the King and (maybe) Toxic Avenger. I'm trying to sneak Next to Normal in there too.

Here we go...