Saturday, October 5, 2013

Internal warfare

Maybe I was like the rest
Taking and using for the gleam
It takes awhile to let a newbie catch her breath
With a smile like yours

Once a stride was set
I sought beyond the convention
Your glance speaks volumes
to those who take the time to translate.

For a moment you may have allowed yourself
To give in to what you most crave
It's an inward battle waged first by others
Ones that were at one time trusted.

Do you really want the real?
Yet having too much fun to take its grasp
Or are you serving penance
For past transgressions

Damn those who've taken your glimmer
only for you to replace it with cheaper glare.
Paint it over with half-truths and leather cuffs
Edged out those who care

I blame them for a portion
You blame them for a part
Well honestly you blame them for it all
But they’re never going to know it

And they won’t end this war.
They left it for you to want to wage alone.
A peer into a chasm that light's not seen for a score.
Is it too late to relight the pilot that's been neglected?

Let me trace your name on my skin
Show them you deserve it
It’s the simplest war game password
To blow them all away

But you won’t pull the pin.