Thursday, October 29, 2009


What is it? that IT that is
Between love, lust and a mess
The new, the once was
The 'I've been here before but not in this way'-ness
The tried to define but failed
The reach for the list of other words not-so-often used.
The beat that cannot stop the sole-vibrating kick.
is that IT?

But oh so softly breaking through that yonder crack in the stone wall that was meticulously laid.
Someone get me a pick or a mace.
Well he just handed me his smile.
That'll do the trick.
Break on through to the other side of the palabra race.
Did I find IT? That easy definition?
Maybe it is the IT that cannot be defined.

Who wrote the book of lies that ironed out plans for love that eras have retracked?
Who said that IT was this, this or that?
Who forgot to teach the shades of gray to me and tell me it's okay to relish every pantone number?

IT doesn't have to be this way.
Check please in this search. There is better use of my rhyme.
My apologies,
For not following the starched journey this time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

because I'm not well versed to quote others

Laying in the unfamiliar bed, longing to be elsewhere
I came back to life this week
in the Elsewhere I never desired before
Full of nerves both yours and mine
Full of smiles both yours and mine

Quoted lines of beauty
I recognized others
Charmed and smitten with the new inspirer
that entered without warning.
The bell toll that chimed in my ears
radiating reverberations
to my core.

What song can a tired heart sing from years of silence?
A true one. A sweet one.
One song that can remind its carrier that music still exists.

Be strong tacit endings, don't just be along for the ride.
Sing out a soothing, tender, blossom-filled aria
And, then, calmly follow his lead.